Monarch conservation

Wonderful Time to Conserve Our Monarchs

mini_The Canadian Monarch and Butterfly Association August 2021
Planting Milkweeds

We collected 59 milkweed pods from the 14 milkweed plants naturally growing around the wall of our home and planted some of them in our gardens and backyard. We also planted several species and varieties of milkweeds in our gardens.

Growing Nectar Flowers

We had planted a wide variety of butterfly-friendly plants and flowers for monarchs and butterflies and still keep additions of a wide variety of plants and flowers from various sources and approaches.

Preservaving Natural Habitats

We take care of the milkweed plants and other wild plants and flowers that naturally grow around our house and in the gardens.

Developing Monarch and
Butterfly Gardens

We developed more than 10 Monarch and butterfly gardens in an autumn and have been developing more. They are advanced and beautiful.

We made history! We are natural home to Monarchs on several species and varieties of milkweeds where Monarchs naturally laid eggs; larvae naturally grew and pupae naturally turned into beautiful, strong and healthy Monarch butterflies. And we have the most advanced and beautiful Monarch and butterfly gardens.

mini_The Canadian Monarch and Butterfly Association Monarch Conservation July 2021 (1)

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